We are thrilled to be able to offer fire alarm monitoring services through our partners at Fire Monitoring of Canada. However, we are often asked what exactly is fire alarm monitoring, and how does it work? What Is Fire Alarm Monitoring? It’s a common misconception that the fire alarm system is what notifies the fire …
Different Types of Fire Alarm Systems
A fire alarm system is one of the most essential components of your building, and is critical in protecting you and the occupants of your building. Because of this, it is important that you understand the nuances of each type of system so you are prepared when it comes time to select the right product …
How To Choose the Right Fire Alarm System for Your Building
Protecting the occupants of your building in the event of a fire should be a top priority for today’s building owners and managers. Choosing the right fire alarm system for your building can be an intimidating process, and we recommend working with an experienced fire alarm company to assess your needs and help you choose …
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Guide To Fire Alarm Systems
Fires cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage every year, making them top of mind for building owners and facility managers. When considering a fire alarm system for your building, it’s important to understand how the systems work, and be knowledgeable of the applicable regulations. This Guide to Fire Alarm Systems reviews the components …