An Access Control Turnstile can be an integral part of your building’s overall security, and there are many elements to consider when choosing the right solution for your facility. This is not a decision that should fall to just one person, and we encourage you to seek input from a variety of departments within your organization such as Security, Human Resources, Finance, and Maintenance just to name a few. To help you on your way, here are three key considerations to help you choose an access control turnstile system for your facility.
1. How Many Lanes Do You Need?
This is one of the most common questions customers ask when assessing their needs. In order to answer this, you must primarily focus on how many entrances will you need to cover, and how many users the system will need to accommodate? At minimum, you should have at least two lanes for each entrance (assuming the space is available). Additionally, you will need one lane that is compatible with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
2. What Other Functions & Aesthetics Are Involved?
It’s important to consider your surroundings when evaluating an Access Control Turnstile System. Review the area in which the system will be installed, and make note of the design features that the turnstiles will need to blend-in with. It’s also important to look ahead and take into consideration any planned renovations or remodels.
You should also be mindful of the technical functions and certifications required for your Access Control Turnstile System. Ensure that the turnstiles being installed are CSA Approved and meet the UL Standard. Another important feature is having your system IP enabled. This ensures that your system is network ready, which allows you to connect with company networks and information systems. Finally, carefully review the system’s Mean Cycles Between Failure (MCBF). This speaks to the system’s reliability in an attempt to predict life expectancy based on how much use the turnstile gets. Be sure that this number can accommodate your expected traffic volume.
What Will an Access Control Turnstile System Cost?
There are many variables that can impact the cost of an Access Control Turnstile System. Costs vary depending on details such as type, special finishes, and the options that you choose to add. However, once you’ve determined these details, you will want to ensure that your supplier provides information on a maintenance program (preventative or repair) and warranty that may or may not be included in your cost.
Contact Us Today for a No Obligation Assessment
For 18 years, Bulldog Fire and Security has been an expert in Access Control Turnstile installation, having installed a variety of systems across Southwestern, Ontario.
To schedule a no obligation assessment of your facility’s Access Control Turnstile needs, call us at 1 866 670 1590, email, or fill out the contact form below.
Learn More
If you’re looking for more information on Access Control Turnstiles, or are curious about the different types that exist, CLICK HERE to learn more.