A quick response from the Fire Department is an important component of reducing the impact that a fire may have on your facility. This is demonstrated below in a video produced by the Underwriters Laboratories. This video clip demonstrates how quickly a fire can spread if not responded to quickly. In this video, you’ll see a comparison of the rate of fire growth in a modern construction scenario versus legacy construction.
In order to help reduce Fire Department response time, we offer
OPEN ACCESS™ monitoring service through our partners at Fire Monitoring of Canada (FMC). OPEN ACCESS™ is a high-speed gateway that allows for the direct and immediate alarm delivery from third-party ULC-Listed Signals Receiving Centres (SRC) to emergency response dispatch centres. This technology has been independently proven to save an average of 114.7 seconds on emergency response times thus reducing potential property damage and loss of life.
Fire Departments
Fire Departments work diligently to reduce their response time, and there are many elements that impact the time it takes for them to arrive on site. Technologies like OPEN ACCESS™ can play an important role in improving response times.
A Fire Department’s response time is made up of three key areas:
- Dispatch time: The time it takes from when a 9-1-1 call is received until units are notified.
- Turnout time: The time elapsed from when units are notified until they are responding.
- Travel time: The time from when units respond until they arrive on the incident scene.
Specifically, OPEN ACCESS™ technology has its largest impact on dispatch time.
Dispatch Time
The use of OPEN ACCESS™ technology can have a positive impact on reducing a Fire Department’s dispatch time. This technology works collaboratively with Fire Departments by electronically re-transmitting alarm signals from third-party SRCs to the appropriate Fire Department Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system.
OPEN ACCESS™ delivers pre-verified data to the Fire Department’s CAD system, which not only eliminates address and information intake, it also reduces the possibility of human error in the dispatching process.
Contact Us

For 20 years, Bulldog Fire and Security has been an industry leader in fire alarm and security services, having designed, installed, and serviced a variety of systems across Southwestern, Ontario.
If you’re interested in learning more about fire alarm monitoring, call us at 1 866 670 1590, email info@bulldogsecurity.ca, or fill out the contact form below.